About Our Organization

For the past 30 years, Ohio's Appalachian Country, Inc. (OAC) has worked to draw attention and visitors to Ohio's Appalachian Region.  Our organization operates as a non-profit tourism association working with the 32 Appalachian Counties of Ohio to promote tourism.  We believe tourism is the most sustainable form of economic development for this region.

Our partners include the Governor's Office of Appalachia, TourismOhio, tourism organizations operating in the region, along with attractions, parks, shopping, dining and lodging businesses.  

In addition to producing this website, OAC also produces a bi-annual Travel Guide, available for viewing on this website.  Cooperative marketing opportunities, networking, advocacy, education, and mentoring are among the organization's member benefits.  

Membership is $200 annually.  

Board of Trustees 

Diane Lautenschleger, President
Tuscarawas County Convention & Visitors Bureau

Deana Clark, Vice President
Visit Marietta, Washington County

Jackee Pugh, Secretary
Belmont County Tourism

Melody Young, Treasurer
Ross/Chillicothe County Convention and Visitors Bureau

Mindy Brems, Eastern Representative
Visit Coshocton, Ohio

Amy Spoutz, Central Representative
Athens County

Sonja Cropper, Western Representative
Brown County Ohio Tourism

Lisa Underwood, Member At-Large
Ohio Travel Pavilion

Jodi Burroughs, Member At-Large
Hocking Hills Canopy Tours

Chandler Grooms, Member At-Large
Pike County Chamber of Commerce and Tourism